There are 21 videos in the "Operations/Supply Chain" collection

Brian Lillie, VP, VeriSign
Synopsis:VP inherits an unqualified team for a strategically important project.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Andrea So, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must improve the performance of a logistics unit whose members are culturally diverse.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer must convince her stubborn superiors to launch a high-tech system aimed at saving lives.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Andrea So, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain takes over for a leader who has not been effective and overlooks potential wisdom gained from experience.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Doug Williams, Team Leader, Colgate/Palmolive
Synopsis:Manager wants to fire a blue-collar employee with a history of breaking rules but meets unexpected obstacles.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Pradeep Jotwani, SVP, Supplies, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Manager must keep operating standards high despite anxiety and uncertainty during a merger.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Leader finds that her lackluster R&D team lacks the skills they need to perform.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Jesse Kingg, Retired Commander, U.S. Navy
Synopsis:Commander must decide whether to overrule his staff's recommendation to reward a controversial colleague.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must decide whether or not to follow her Commander's orders when she disagrees with his decision.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Leader must determine how to deal with problem employee who is disruptive to group.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female pilot is confronted by man who does not want to see her or any women flying fighter aircraft.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Air Force Officer must determine whether or not to include a pilot who has a great attitude but lacks the necessary expertise for critical missions.
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Subject Area: | Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage challenging international negotiations while leading and motivating her team of worker bees and self motivators.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage team member who was denied her executive level job.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Chris Tilghman, Director, Inside Track
Synopsis:Manager struggles with a new boss who has unrealistic expectations and lacks experience in the industry.
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Subject Area: | Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Dave Almand, Officer, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Commander must maintain team's motivation after organization's leader commit suicide, leading to low morale, uncertainty, fear and copy cats.
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Subject Area: | Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jim Haynes, Sr. Vice President, Bechtel Corp
Synopsis:Senior Vice President must bring together two culturally different teams to perform on a very ambitious project under great pressure.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Bill Henry, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Vice President must break down silos and cultural differences to increase team performance and deliver on a highly complex project.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Donn Grimm, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Vice President must overcome team friction by forcing teams to address their challenges with one another and raise their performance.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Michael Costas, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Program Director must regain the trust of a client and motivate his team to perform after a serious technical issue and program schedule slip.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female Officer must overcome the lack of confidence in her abilities because she is a woman.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |