There are 80 videos in the "Military/Government" collection

Andrea So, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must improve the performance of a logistics unit whose members are culturally diverse.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Beth Silsdorf, Commander, U.S. Navy
Synopsis:Naval Officer makes an unpopular decision and must persuade her team to fall in behind her.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Brigadier General must prepare an unfamiliar group of soldiers for a year-long mission in Iraq.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army officer feels a soldier's homosexuality should not interfere with the job, despite the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
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Subject Area: | Ethics, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Marene Allison, Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:When faced with an emergency, it is critical for the leader to know their people to make the appropriate decisions without time to think.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Marene Allison, Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:A woman from the first class of West Point discusses what values guided her when she had no role model.
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Subject Area: | Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Marene Allison, Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Female Army officer must address people who call her names while she is leading her unit on a run.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer lobbies outside her chain of command for the adoption of a new weapon to protect soldiers.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer must convince her stubborn superiors to launch a high-tech system aimed at saving lives.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Andrea So, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain takes over for a leader who has not been effective and overlooks potential wisdom gained from experience.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Vicente Fox, Former President, Mexico
Synopsis:Mexican Presidential Candidate must appeal to people and their needs to change the political system and lead social change.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:General discusses the importance of diversity to strategy and leadership.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General shares her thoughts on leadership style and how that evolves through experience and environment.
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Subject Area: | Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General outlines what she thinks is important in a good leader.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General discusses how she thinks about taking charge and making improvements when taking charge of a unit.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:General talks about the importance of after action reports for successful missions and operations.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General sets goals which guide her leadership strategy and balances the risk of losing a soldier in combat.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Colonel shares how she is able to motivate people to work hard and do jobs that are risky and dangerous.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jesse Kingg, Retired Commander, U.S. Navy
Synopsis:Commander must decide whether to overrule his staff's recommendation to reward a controversial colleague.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Colonel describes what it takes to be a good leader.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Integrity is important for everybody within an organization. It could mean the difference between life and death.
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Subject Area: | Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force Academy leader must help cadets overcome gender and racial biases.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:CEO must adjust priorities and organizational focus to better align with the mission.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Officer clearly sees a problem in the organizational culture but is not in a position to directly make changes.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Naval Officer struggles with whether or not to enforce the military policy that does not align with her personal values.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must understand the cultural dynamics and then drive change for a positive impact from diversity.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must decide whether or not to follow her Commander's orders when she disagrees with his decision.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Leader must determine how to deal with problem employee who is disruptive to group.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Kate Richardson, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must unify a disparate organization that lacks common focus, branding, mission, and vision.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female pilot is confronted by man who does not want to see her or any women flying fighter aircraft.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Air Force Officer must determine whether or not to include a pilot who has a great attitude but lacks the necessary expertise for critical missions.
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Subject Area: | Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Officer must determine how to proceed when supervisor makes a decision that would present a clear conflict of interest.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Officer must determine how to respond when she is no longer invited to empowered to do her job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Dave Almand, Officer, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Commander must maintain team's motivation after organization's leader commit suicide, leading to low morale, uncertainty, fear and copy cats.
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Subject Area: | Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Dave Mihalic, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:A new National Park Superintendent must establish a presence in a region that is opposed to any government people or influence.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Bob Stanton, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must break down real and perceived barriers between the local community and his staff to enable better collaboration and a positive presence in the region.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Globalization, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Bob Barbee, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must determine whether or not to support a fire team leader who determines it is necessary to jeopardize a pristine part of the park resource in the effort to limit a forest fire’s advance.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Maureen Finnerty, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must bridge the cultural gap between the local population and the Park's traditional visitors, programs and donors
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Subject Area: | Globalization, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

John Reynolds, Regional Director of Northwest Region, National Park Service
Synopsis:Regional Director must negotiate with Native American Tribe to resolve age long conflict.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must confront overwhelming odds and overcome fear, fatigue, and ambiguity.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Laura Chinchilla, President, Costa Rica
Synopsis:Costa Rica President must determine how to attract foreign investment in order to build economic prosperity for her country to succeed.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level, Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Laura Chinchilla, President, Costa Rica
Synopsis:President of Costa Rica talks about how often the biggest barrier women face to succeed is facing their own fears.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Globalization, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Gayle Hazelwood, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Leader must turn around an under-performing team after arriving to a new job.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Woody Smeck, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Leader must unite disparate groups and motivate everybody to have a common vision to better accomplish the mission.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government, Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Bill Henry, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Vice President must break down silos and cultural differences to increase team performance and deliver on a highly complex project.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Donn Grimm, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Vice President must overcome team friction by forcing teams to address their challenges with one another and raise their performance.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Michael Costas, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Program Director must regain the trust of a client and motivate his team to perform after a serious technical issue and program schedule slip.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Bob Krumenaker, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must reconcile historical and cultural differences to work together.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

David Smith, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must change the culture to drive engagement and results.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Mike Ward, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent inherits a building project that lacks Park and Federal support but is critical for local support.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must handle a direct report who he had informally promoted, but was later confronted.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Michael Creasey, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Vice Superintendent turns around a team and organization to seek national support.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Operations, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Frank Dean, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must address fiscal issues that have a ripple effect on his organization.
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Subject Area: | Finance/Accounting, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Frank Dean, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must voice discord with local officials about participation in high profile event.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Sara Newman, Director, Department of Health and Human Services
Synopsis:Leader must get buy in for a change in a very traditional national organization.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Gerard Baker, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent is confronted because he is an American Indian leading at Little Bighorn.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army leader must overcome his own fears and uncertainty to lead decisively and courageously through overwhelming odds.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Christian Roman, Story Artist, Pixar
Synopsis:A leader talks about how we use stories to learn about life and how to be successful.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Board Level, Senior Manager (VP-level), Executive (C-Level), Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Financial, Products & Retail, Healthcare, Military/Government, High Tech, Services, Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Storytelling |

Larry Melton, Project Executive Director, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Project Director addresses how he uses senior manager reviews to increase productivity rather than leave people feeling disengaged and demotivated.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer campaigns for the adoption of a new weapon that will protect soldiers in Iraq.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Innovation, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A woman leader talks about how she is asking hard questions about whether or not she should still pursue goals she set many years prior.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Work/Life Balance, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | What I Wish I Knew |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how you need to be able to articulate your story as you advance in your career.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how traditions are important for children and what she does to build traditions in a very busy lifestyle.
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Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Work-Life Integration |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how she lives the advice she was given about the importance of good childcare for work-life balance.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Work-Life Integration |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how she did not ignore her curiosity when she found herself consistently thinking about education.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | What I Wish I Knew |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how in her senior role, she must leverage her skills of leading by influence.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community Colleges
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how she and her husband take advantage of marriage counseling to provide perspective and insights, especially in times of transition.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Work-Life Integration |

Allison Hickey, General, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Female pilot is asked repeatedly to prove she can handle a maneuver traditionally performed by men.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female Officer must overcome the lack of confidence in her abilities because she is a woman.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Marla Wright, Program Manager, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Manager struggles with a counterpart whose behaviors are jeopardizing the project success.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Maureen Finnerty, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must identify stakeholders and find common ground to accomplish a controversial dam removal project.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Allison Hickey, General, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Air Force Brigadier General must persuade reluctant pilots to adopt new technology that will better protect ground forces.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army officer considers whether or not an outstanding soldier who fails a drug test should pay the consequences.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain in Iraq deals with a subordinate who challenges her authority based on her gender.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General discusses how to keep morale high during a year-long combat mission in Iraq.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:Leading a small squad in a war zone, Jacobs encounters a surprise attack and must decide how to proceed without guidance, despite having little experience and everything at stake.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Will Swenson, Medal of Honor Recipient and Military Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Medal of Honor recipient shares the importance of being immersed with his team to motivate others while balancing emotions tied to fear, anger, risk, and sacrifice.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Florent "Flo" Groberg, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army and Fortune 500 Companies
Synopsis:As a new officer in the Army Groberg given command of his first combat unit of 24 direct reports, yet doubts himself and must learn how to lead while establishing himself as credible and trustworthy with his new team.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Will Swenson, Medal of Honor Recipient and Military Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Medal of Honor recipient shares how mutual respect, honesty, and curiosity are critical to building trust for establishing partnerships.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:Taking on a new leadership position, an Army Officer must decide whether or not to replace a well-respected, senior leader who comes to work drunk.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |