There are 100 videos in the "Guiding Transitions" collection

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO squares off with an employee who has critical skills but cannot work with others.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

John Abbott, CEO, Yoga Journal
Synopsis:New CEO must address conflict with existing managers.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Gordon Bethune, Former CEO, Continental Airlines
Synopsis:Reflections on turnaround at Continental Airlines.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Herb Kelleher, Former CEO, Southwest Airlines
Synopsis:Reflections on culture at Southwest Airlines.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Chris Smith, CEO, Cresco Equipment Rentals
Synopsis:CEO weighs the risks of acquiring a company with a culture that clashes with his firm's.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Gene Kohn, CEO, KPF
Synopsis:CEO receives report that a leading partner in the firm is verbally abusing team members.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Elie Antoun, CEO,
Synopsis:Founder tests new CEO's authority by trying to fire critical employee without just cause.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Manager seeks to turn around an under-performing team by investigating a simmering conflict.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO faces manager whose current performance is hindered by survivor guilt from past rounds of layoffs.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jeff Clarke, CEO, KQED
Synopsis:CEO responds to an unexpected budget shortfall with an unusual decision-making approach.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

John Brown, Chairman, Stryker Corp.
Synopsis:CEO must decide whether to buy and integrate company run by two prima donnas.
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Subject Area: | Mergers & Acquisitions, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Brian Lillie, VP, VeriSign
Synopsis:VP inherits an unqualified team for a strategically important project.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Kent Thiry, CEO, DaVita
Synopsis:CEO confronts a brilliant new manager who is not fitting in.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Danny Shader, CEO, Good Technology
Synopsis:To slash costs, a CEO tells his workforce he is cutting salaries across the board.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund
Synopsis:Non-profit manager describes a situation where careful listening was simply not enough.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:White House Media Affairs Director must address the arrogance of an intern in responding to the public.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General discusses how to keep morale high during a year-long combat mission in Iraq.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Brigadier General must prepare an unfamiliar group of soldiers for a year-long mission in Iraq.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Andrea So, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must improve the performance of a logistics unit whose members are culturally diverse.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jim Roth, Manager, Dell
Synopsis:Manager must devise incentives for a call-center team to boost customer satisfaction.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army officer feels a soldier's homosexuality should not interfere with the job, despite the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
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Subject Area: | Ethics, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:To preserve the values of the company, the CEO must confront people who have different personal morals.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Nabeel Gareeb, CEO, MEMC
Synopsis:New CEO considers a radical management overhaul in response to financial and operational disarray.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Marene Allison, Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Female Army officer must address people who call her names while she is leading her unit on a run.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Manager finds employee is having personal problems that are affecting her productivity at work.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Tom Friel, Former Chairman and CEO, Heidrick & Struggles
Synopsis:CEO of executive search firm gives insights into what he and others look for when choosing a CEO.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Dick Kovacevich, Chairman, Wells Fargo
Synopsis:It is important to always communicate and focus on building a common culture as a company grows through acquisitions.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Dick Kovacevich, Chairman, Wells Fargo
Synopsis:It is important to not allow personal relationships interfere with professional decisions. A leader must always do the right thing.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Dick Kovacevich, Chairman, Wells Fargo
Synopsis:It is important to retain good people even when faced with pressure to downsize.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Deborah Nelson, SVP Marketing, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Senior manager discusses several key considerations for effective talent management.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Human Resources, Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO of Indian software giant attempts to persuade workers to embrace universal values.
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Subject Area: | Ethics, Globalization, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Sudha Murty, Chairperson, Infosys Foundation
Synopsis:Leader of philanthropic foundation was the first female to attend an all-male engineering university in India four decades ago.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Gene Kohn, CEO, KPF
Synopsis:CEO learns that his diverse team encounters prejudice while working for an important overseas client.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:Executive confronts a colleague about his unspoken stereotypes in hiring.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund
Synopsis:CEO must publicly establish credibility with an audience of skeptical foreign men.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Globalization, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:General discusses the importance of diversity to strategy and leadership.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Leader working in a multi-cultural environment says trust is the key to communication.
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Subject Area: | Globalization, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General discusses how she thinks about taking charge and making improvements when taking charge of a unit.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Roger Deromedi, CEO, Kraft
Synopsis:CEO confirms how it is important to not always worry about how the short term may impact the long term in having a diverse career.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Nancy Barry, President, Women's World Banking
Synopsis:When leading people, it is important to respect them and be humble in spite of your position.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Colonel shares how she is able to motivate people to work hard and do jobs that are risky and dangerous.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General sets goals which guide her leadership strategy and balances the risk of losing a soldier in combat.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive charged with carrying out the HP-Compaq merger confronts the task of laying off ten percent of the employees.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive discusses key considerations and processes used to pull off the HP-compaq merger.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Manager must digest the impact of a merger on herself before turning to the task of helping others accept it.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive must implement the HP-Compaq merger while controlling the flow of information.
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Subject Area: | Ethics, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Geetha Rao, CEO, Silicon Valley Start-up
Synopsis:Entrepreneur talks about how having an authoritarian leadership style makes an impact on long term relationships and projects.
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Subject Area: | Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Naila Mehrabova, General Director, CrossCaspian Oil and Logistics
Synopsis:New manager must convince team member to take on a new role which better fits her skill set.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Naila Mehrabova, General Director, CrossCaspian Oil and Logistics
Synopsis:Executive talks about the importance of sharing success with the team and being humble as the leader.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Executive commands a team of people from vastly different cultures following a merger.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Doug Williams, Team Leader, Colgate/Palmolive
Synopsis:Manager wants to fire a blue-collar employee with a history of breaking rules but meets unexpected obstacles.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Exploring the multiple layers of complexity in the HP-Compaq merger.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Manager must keep her team focused during grueling six-month merger integration process.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Petite manager must assert herself against domineering rival during a merger.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Manager must decide when to fight, or give in, during merger implementation talks.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Merger manager learns that she is negotiating over choices that her superiors have already secretly made.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Dave Kaval, CEO, Golden Baseball League
Synopsis:Business owner must quickly persuade his unhappy team to put aside their grievance.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Dave Kaval, CEO, Golden Baseball League
Synopsis:Small business owner has to find a way to win over his disgruntled star.
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Subject Area: | Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Dave Kaval, CEO, Golden Baseball League
Synopsis:Founder must find new types of incentives to make his younger workers do his bidding.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Manuel Medina-Mora, Chairman & CEO, Citigroup Latin America
Synopsis:Executive must respond to tough times with a special set of clear priorities.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Manuel Medina-Mora, Chairman & CEO, Citigroup Latin America
Synopsis:Executive must blend a multitude of corporate and national backgrounds into a unified workforce.
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Subject Area: | Globalization, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Veteran manager must help her employees face reality of life under a new owner.
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Subject Area: | Globalization, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Juan-Carlos Ruck, VP, Sales, Pepsico
Synopsis:Manager must reassure his staff after taking an abrupt and unexplained four-week leave.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources, Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Connie Matsui, EVP, Innovation, Biogen Idec
Synopsis:U.S. delegates to a global conference must shed their "ugly American" image to gain influence.
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Subject Area: | Globalization, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Debra Reisenthel, CEO, Novasys
Synopsis:CEO debates whether to share news that may soon cripple the company fearing her team's motivation will fade in the interim.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:Executive counsels a subordinate who is self-deprecating in a presentation.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Nancy Barry, President, Women's World Banking
Synopsis:Executive must coach an egocentric subordinate.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Tom Friel, Former Chairman and CEO, Heidrick & Struggles
Synopsis:Executive steps into CEO role realizing that there is no planning for his successor.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Leader finds that her lackluster R&D team lacks the skills they need to perform.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO discusses how to mentor enthusiastic young people whose lack of experience can easily damage a company.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Jesse Kingg, Retired Commander, U.S. Navy
Synopsis:Commander must decide whether to overrule his staff's recommendation to reward a controversial colleague.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Executive must bring together two international companies with different internal processes and cultures.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO must gain the trust of the people in his company and the business community.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Colonel describes what it takes to be a good leader.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO questions an under-performing manager who blames sleeplessness caused by a young child at home.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force Academy leader must help cadets overcome gender and racial biases.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Chris Tilghman, Director, Inside Track
Synopsis:A just-promoted manager struggles to motivate under-performing employees who are different from himself.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing, Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Charles Carmel, VP, Corporate Development, Cisco Systems
Synopsis:A young business analyst is chosen to manage a group of peers that he formerly competed with.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Charles Carmel, VP, Corporate Development, Cisco Systems
Synopsis:Carmel devotes six months to building a case for a major acquisition at Cisco, but the deal is ultimately nixed.
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Subject Area: | Mergers & Acquisitions, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Roy Gilbert, Director, User Operations & Policy, Google
Synopsis:The general manager of a fast-growing division confronts the limits of a hands-on style.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Globalization, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Pete Thigpen, Former President, Levi Strauss USA
Synopsis:Should an executive confirm or deny an inquiry about an imminent plant closure when the plant manager calls?
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Brian Helmick, Co-founder & President, Algentis
Synopsis:A startup manager faces hard choices when he realizes he hired the wrong person for a key position.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Kate Surman, Administrator, academic medical center
Synopsis:A manager must shift gears when a performance review with a volatile employee takes an emotional turn.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Andrew Brandt, Business Manager, Green Bay Packers - NFL
Synopsis:NFL Team Manager must negotiate with Brett Favre, a talented football player, to join the Green Bay Packers.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Leader must determine how to deal with problem employee who is disruptive to group.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage challenging international negotiations while leading and motivating her team of worker bees and self motivators.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage team member who was denied her executive level job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Peter Loescher, CEO, Siemens
Synopsis:CEO is recruited after previous leaders left with scandalous charges and must inspire company to recover it's strong reputation while leading positive reform.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Ethics, Globalization, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Peter Loescher, CEO, Siemens
Synopsis:New CEO must build a culture of accountability to change the way business is done after a scandal.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Roy Gilbert, Director, User Operations & Policy, Google
Synopsis:The general manager of a division in India must overcome challenges when he transitions back to the United States.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Bob Stanton, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must break down real and perceived barriers between the local community and his staff to enable better collaboration and a positive presence in the region.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Globalization, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Maureen Finnerty, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must bridge the cultural gap between the local population and the Park's traditional visitors, programs and donors
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Solomon Trujillo, CEO, Telstra
Synopsis:American, Latino CEO must overcome cultural bias and political opposition while leading a traditional, government-owned company to be a profitable, privately held company in Australia
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization, Innovation, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level, Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Laura Chinchilla, President, Costa Rica
Synopsis:Costa Rica President must determine how to attract foreign investment in order to build economic prosperity for her country to succeed.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level, Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Laura Chinchilla, President, Costa Rica
Synopsis:President of Costa Rica talks about how often the biggest barrier women face to succeed is facing their own fears.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Globalization, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Gayle Hazelwood, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Leader must turn around an under-performing team after arriving to a new job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jim Haynes, Sr. Vice President, Bechtel Corp
Synopsis:Senior Vice President must bring together two culturally different teams to perform on a very ambitious project under great pressure.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive who led the HP Compaq merger discusses what makes people successful in merger integration work.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

David Smith, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must change the culture to drive engagement and results.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Founder and CEO, UT
Synopsis:African founder and CEO must build a culture of trust in his African company, which is new and different for his employees.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Innovation, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |