There are 144 videos in the "Hiring Mistake" collection

Bill Campbell, Chairman, Intuit
Synopsis:CEO contends with a manager whose loyalty wavers.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO squares off with an employee who has critical skills but cannot work with others.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

John Abbott, CEO, Yoga Journal
Synopsis:New CEO must address conflict with existing managers.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Elie Antoun, CEO,
Synopsis:CEO is challenged by company founders who question his authority.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Gene Kohn, CEO, KPF
Synopsis:CEO receives report that a leading partner in the firm is verbally abusing team members.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Elie Antoun, CEO,
Synopsis:Founder tests new CEO's authority by trying to fire critical employee without just cause.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Manager seeks to turn around an under-performing team by investigating a simmering conflict.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO faces manager whose current performance is hindered by survivor guilt from past rounds of layoffs.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jeff Clarke, CEO, KQED
Synopsis:CEO responds to an unexpected budget shortfall with an unusual decision-making approach.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Brian Lillie, VP, VeriSign
Synopsis:VP inherits an unqualified team for a strategically important project.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Kent Thiry, CEO, DaVita
Synopsis:CEO confronts a brilliant new manager who is not fitting in.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Danny Shader, CEO, Good Technology
Synopsis:To slash costs, a CEO tells his workforce he is cutting salaries across the board.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund
Synopsis:CEO considers the risks of maintaining high ethical standards in a corrupt business environment.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Shawn Wang, CFO, Baidu
Synopsis:CFO of publicly-traded Chinese firm must contend with an employee who is taking bribes, a common practice in China.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Finance/Accounting |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:Executive anticipates reaction to a program proposal that seems to confirm female stereotypes.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:White House Media Affairs Director must address the arrogance of an intern in responding to the public.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Nancy Barry, President, Women's World Banking
Synopsis:President must include a heavy-hitter in a conference despite his negativity and pomposity.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General discusses how to keep morale high during a year-long combat mission in Iraq.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Brigadier General must prepare an unfamiliar group of soldiers for a year-long mission in Iraq.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Andrea So, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must improve the performance of a logistics unit whose members are culturally diverse.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jim Roth, Manager, Dell
Synopsis:Manager must devise incentives for a call-center team to boost customer satisfaction.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO balks when an Indian government official demands a bribe or a higher price for land he wishes to buy.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army officer feels a soldier's homosexuality should not interfere with the job, despite the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
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Subject Area: | Ethics, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:To preserve the values of the company, the CEO must confront people who have different personal morals.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Nabeel Gareeb, CEO, MEMC
Synopsis:New CEO considers a radical management overhaul in response to financial and operational disarray.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Geetha Rao, CEO, Silicon Valley Start-up
Synopsis:CEO of a small company takes on a large company that unfairly cancels its contract.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army officer considers whether or not an outstanding soldier who fails a drug test should pay the consequences.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Marene Allison, Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Female Army officer must address people who call her names while she is leading her unit on a run.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer campaigns for the adoption of a new weapon that will protect soldiers in Iraq.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer lobbies outside her chain of command for the adoption of a new weapon to protect soldiers.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer must convince her stubborn superiors to launch a high-tech system aimed at saving lives.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Bill Kern, CEO,
Synopsis:CEO must negotiate a truce between the sales force and support staff.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Storytelling |

Jeffrey Bewkes, CEO, Time Warner
Synopsis:Executive with a strictly business background grapples with how to lead creative members of his team.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Manager finds employee is having personal problems that are affecting her productivity at work.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Dena Braeger, Captain, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain in Iraq deals with a subordinate who challenges her authority based on her gender.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Tom Friel, Former Chairman and CEO, Heidrick & Struggles
Synopsis:CEO inherits a CFO with fundamentally different values.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Brian Lillie, VP, VeriSign
Synopsis:Facing tight deadlines and a difficult project, a manager must challenge an overbearing boss who is hampering progress.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO of Indian software giant attempts to persuade workers to embrace universal values.
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Subject Area: | Ethics, Globalization, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Allison Hickey, General, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:Female pilot is asked repeatedly to prove she can handle a maneuver traditionally performed by men.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Michael Osofsky, CIO and Co-Founder, Silicon Valley Start-Up
Synopsis:Co-founder of software start-up agonizes over whether and how to tell his colleagues that he's gay.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Sudha Murty, Chairperson, Infosys Foundation
Synopsis:Leader of philanthropic foundation was the first female to attend an all-male engineering university in India four decades ago.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Gene Kohn, CEO, KPF
Synopsis:CEO learns that his diverse team encounters prejudice while working for an important overseas client.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:Executive confronts a colleague about his unspoken stereotypes in hiring.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund
Synopsis:CEO must publicly establish credibility with an audience of skeptical foreign men.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Globalization, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General sets goals which guide her leadership strategy and balances the risk of losing a soldier in combat.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive charged with carrying out the HP-Compaq merger confronts the task of laying off ten percent of the employees.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive discusses key considerations and processes used to pull off the HP-compaq merger.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Manager must digest the impact of a merger on herself before turning to the task of helping others accept it.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Naila Mehrabova, General Director, CrossCaspian Oil and Logistics
Synopsis:Young female executive must gain the trust of the Board.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Naila Mehrabova, General Director, CrossCaspian Oil and Logistics
Synopsis:New manager must convince team member to take on a new role which better fits her skill set.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Executive commands a team of people from vastly different cultures following a merger.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Beth Silsdorf, Commander, U.S. Navy
Synopsis:Naval Officer makes an unpopular decision and must persuade her team to fall in behind her.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Doug Williams, Team Leader, Colgate/Palmolive
Synopsis:Manager wants to fire a blue-collar employee with a history of breaking rules but meets unexpected obstacles.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Manager must keep her team focused during grueling six-month merger integration process.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Petite manager must assert herself against domineering rival during a merger.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Manager must decide when to fight, or give in, during merger implementation talks.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Leslye Louie, SVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Merger manager learns that she is negotiating over choices that her superiors have already secretly made.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Mergers & Acquisitions, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Connie Matsui, EVP, Innovation, Biogen Idec
Synopsis:Manager oversees complex drug-development project despite her lack of technical background.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Connie Matsui, EVP, Innovation, Biogen Idec
Synopsis:Young manager must respond to a superior who voices negative stereotypes.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Finance/Accounting |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Dave Kaval, CEO, Golden Baseball League
Synopsis:Business owner must quickly persuade his unhappy team to put aside their grievance.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Dave Kaval, CEO, Golden Baseball League
Synopsis:Small business owner has to find a way to win over his disgruntled star.
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Subject Area: | Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Dave Kaval, CEO, Golden Baseball League
Synopsis:Founder must find new types of incentives to make his younger workers do his bidding.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Manuel Medina-Mora, Chairman & CEO, Citigroup Latin America
Synopsis:Executive must respond to tough times with a special set of clear priorities.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Sara Jobin, Conductor, San Francisco Opera
Synopsis:Conductor faces psychological hurdles when orchestra members resist her command.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Manuel Medina-Mora, Chairman & CEO, Citigroup Latin America
Synopsis:Executive must blend a multitude of corporate and national backgrounds into a unified workforce.
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Subject Area: | Globalization, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Juan-Carlos Ruck, VP, Sales, Pepsico
Synopsis:A young manager must devise a comeback after a disastrous first five months on the job.
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Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Janet Ang, VP, Global Desktop Business Unit, Lenovo
Synopsis:Veteran manager must help her employees face reality of life under a new owner.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Globalization, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Juan-Carlos Ruck, VP, Sales, Pepsico
Synopsis:Manager must reassure his staff after taking an abrupt and unexplained four-week leave.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources, Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Debra Reisenthel, CEO, Novasys
Synopsis:CEO debates whether to share news that may soon cripple the company fearing her team's motivation will fade in the interim.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Maria Eitel, President, Nike Foundation
Synopsis:Executive counsels a subordinate who is self-deprecating in a presentation.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Nancy Barry, President, Women's World Banking
Synopsis:Executive must coach an egocentric subordinate.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Tom Friel, Former Chairman and CEO, Heidrick & Struggles
Synopsis:Executive steps into CEO role realizing that there is no planning for his successor.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Karen Zaderej, Former VP, Johnson & Johnson
Synopsis:Leader finds that her lackluster R&D team lacks the skills they need to perform.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO discusses how to mentor enthusiastic young people whose lack of experience can easily damage a company.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Jesse Kingg, Retired Commander, U.S. Navy
Synopsis:Commander must decide whether to overrule his staff's recommendation to reward a controversial colleague.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:CEO must gain the trust of the people in his company and the business community.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Work/Life Balance |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO questions an under-performing manager who blames sleeplessness caused by a young child at home.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Gayle Colvin, Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force Academy leader must help cadets overcome gender and racial biases.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Ethics, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Claire Alexander, VP, Digital Strategy & Operations, Discovery Communications
Synopsis:A bright, young staffer learns the importance of valuing both facts and personal relationships in a high-level meeting.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Chris Tilghman, Director, Inside Track
Synopsis:A just-promoted manager struggles to motivate under-performing employees who are different from himself.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Operations, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing, Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Charles Carmel, VP, Corporate Development, Cisco Systems
Synopsis:A young business analyst is chosen to manage a group of peers that he formerly competed with.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Lisa Dawe, Division VP, DaVita
Synopsis:A management trainee takes over an under-performing clinic with a staff unaccustomed to solving problems.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Bob Holden, former General Manager, (eBay)
Synopsis:A young manager must motivate a team with numerous performance issues in order to achieve lofty growth targets.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail, Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Roy Gilbert, Director, User Operations & Policy, Google
Synopsis:The general manager of a fast-growing division confronts the limits of a hands-on style.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Globalization, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Mike Folgner, former General Manager, Video, Yahoo
Synopsis:After Yahoo acquires his early-stage startup, an entrepreneur must manage a team resistant to change.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Innovation, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Dave Lyons, Former Director of Engineering, Tesla Motors
Synopsis:An engineering manager feels he needs to choose between a high-stakes project deadline and good peer relationships.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Innovation, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Products & Retail, High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Josh Golomb, General Manager, DaVita
Synopsis:Golomb must resolve a strategic dispute with his boss when a division they launched runs into trouble.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Marten Mickos, former CEO, MySQL
Synopsis:A giant rival’s surprise move tests the mettle of a small company’s executive team.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Lisa Dawe, Division VP, DaVita
Synopsis:A junior manager wrestles with how to react to negative feedback received during a senior management meeting.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Carol Daniels, CEO, ATP
Synopsis:A publishing company CEO wrestles with how to treat a senior executive responsible for an avoidable business disaster.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Pete Thigpen, Former President, Levi Strauss USA
Synopsis:Should an executive confirm or deny an inquiry about an imminent plant closure when the plant manager calls?
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Brian Helmick, Co-founder & President, Algentis
Synopsis:A startup manager faces hard choices when he realizes he hired the wrong person for a key position.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Kate Surman, Administrator, academic medical center
Synopsis:A manager must shift gears when a performance review with a volatile employee takes an emotional turn.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Michael Marks, Former Chairman & CEO, Flextronics
Synopsis:A CEO's decision will cost him either $100 million or a major customer.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Stephen Miles, Vice Chairman, Heidrick & Struggles
Synopsis:A leadership advisor scrambles when the CEO of a client firm upends a succession plan.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level, Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Consulting |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Alex Jensen, Marketing Executive, BP
Synopsis:Manager must lead by example by communicating effectively while managing her team from home.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics, Work/Life Balance, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail, Services |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:CEO must adjust priorities and organizational focus to better align with the mission.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Officer clearly sees a problem in the organizational culture but is not in a position to directly make changes.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Naval Officer struggles with whether or not to enforce the military policy that does not align with her personal values.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:CEO struggles with whether or not to fund disaster relief when the non-profit organization is financially constrained.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must understand the cultural dynamics and then drive change for a positive impact from diversity.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must decide whether or not to follow her Commander's orders when she disagrees with his decision.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Kate Richardson, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must unify a disparate organization that lacks common focus, branding, mission, and vision.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female pilot is confronted by man who does not want to see her or any women flying fighter aircraft.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female Officer must overcome the lack of confidence in her abilities because she is a woman.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Andrew Brandt, Business Manager, Green Bay Packers - NFL
Synopsis:Team Manager must decide how to handle a talented player with a bad attitude without jeopardizing the team culture of the Green Bay Packers.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO must determine how to proceed when he disagrees with the advise of his Board.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Andrew Brandt, Business Manager, Green Bay Packers - NFL
Synopsis:NFL Team Manager must negotiate with Brett Favre, a talented football player, to join the Green Bay Packers.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Officer must determine how to proceed when supervisor makes a decision that would present a clear conflict of interest.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Leader must determine how to deal with problem employee who is disruptive to group.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Officer must determine how to respond when she is no longer invited to empowered to do her job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Human Resources, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage challenging international negotiations while leading and motivating her team of worker bees and self motivators.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage team member who was denied her executive level job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Peter Loescher, CEO, Siemens
Synopsis:New CEO must build a culture of accountability to change the way business is done after a scandal.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Gerard Baker, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent is confronted because he is an American Indian leading at Little Bighorn.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Bob Stanton, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must break down real and perceived barriers between the local community and his staff to enable better collaboration and a positive presence in the region.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Globalization, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Bob Barbee, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must determine whether or not to support a fire team leader who determines it is necessary to jeopardize a pristine part of the park resource in the effort to limit a forest fire’s advance.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Mike Ward, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent inherits a building project that lacks Park and Federal support but is critical for local support.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Maureen Finnerty, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must identify stakeholders and find common ground to accomplish a controversial dam removal project.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

John Reynolds, Regional Director of Northwest Region, National Park Service
Synopsis:Regional Director must negotiate with Native American Tribe to resolve age long conflict.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must handle a direct report who he had informally promoted, but was later confronted.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must confront overwhelming odds and overcome fear, fatigue, and ambiguity.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Gayle Hazelwood, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Leader must turn around an under-performing team after arriving to a new job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jim Haynes, Sr. Vice President, Bechtel Corp
Synopsis:Senior Vice President must bring together two culturally different teams to perform on a very ambitious project under great pressure.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Donn Grimm, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Vice President must overcome team friction by forcing teams to address their challenges with one another and raise their performance.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Michael Costas, Principal Vice President, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Program Director must regain the trust of a client and motivate his team to perform after a serious technical issue and program schedule slip.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Marla Wright, Program Manager, Bechtel Corporation
Synopsis:Manager struggles with a counterpart whose behaviors are jeopardizing the project success.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government, Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

David Smith, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must change the culture to drive engagement and results.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Human Resources, Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Michael Creasey, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Vice Superintendent turns around a team and organization to seek national support.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Operations, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Sara Newman, Director, Department of Health and Human Services
Synopsis:Leader must get buy in for a change in a very traditional national organization.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Frank Dean, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must address fiscal issues that have a ripple effect on his organization.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Finance/Accounting, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Frank Dean, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must voice discord with local officials about participation in high profile event.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Founder and CEO, UT
Synopsis:African CEO must determine how to balance family loyalties with business.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Strategic Management, Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Founder and CEO, UT
Synopsis:African CEO must overcome difficult regulations and limitations imposed by the government for his business.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Anne Marie Burgoyne, Managing Director, Social Innovation, Emerson Collective
Synopsis:Board Member of Non-Profit must determine how to advise and handle a leader who may be undermining organization's efficiency and success.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | Consulting, General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Anne Marie Burgoyne, Managing Director, Social Innovation, Emerson Collective
Synopsis:Board member must determine how to enable a Non-Profit to better function through it's Board of Directors.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Operations, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Kate Surman, Administrative Director, South Bay Cancer Center at Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Synopsis:A leader works to better understand the patient experience and design a new method of care.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Rob Siegel, General Manager, Video Software and Solutions, GE Security
Synopsis:Given the changing landscape of technology, the marketing data showed a need for product evolution in spite of the large company’s resistance to change its processes for a new product development.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Products & Retail, High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Jason Rosenthal, CEO, Lytro
Synopsis:The CEO struggles with how to align his resources to optimize the market and evolving technology.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Nicole Chang, Senior VP, Consulting Company
Synopsis:An Executive struggles with how to build relationships and close deals with partners in Asia who are used to bonding after hours by drinking and going to spas, where she is not welcome.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Consulting |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Florent "Flo" Groberg, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army and Fortune 500 Companies
Synopsis:As a new leader in a corporate job, Groberg must manage up and assuage frustrations with his manager by establishing communications and building a relationship to work together regardless.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Conflict, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:Leading a small squad in a war zone, Jacobs encounters a surprise attack and must decide how to proceed without guidance, despite having little experience and everything at stake.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:When promoted to Managing Director, Jacobs must decide whether or not to take a large office, a decision which would reinforce his status and position but isolate him from his team.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:Taking on a new leadership position, an Army Officer must decide whether or not to replace a well-respected, senior leader who comes to work drunk.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |